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Association for Science in Autism Treatment (ASAT)

Established in 1998, ASAT is a non-profit group of parents and professionals dedicated to higher standards of accountability for professionals treating people with autism. If you’re beginning your journey of choosing a treatment for your loved one with autism, start with ASAT’s page on evaluating treatments, found here.

Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB)

A non-profit agency established to develop, maintain and oversee the credentialing process for professionals wishing to practice in the field of behavior analysis, with the mission of protecting consumers of behavior analytic services. Here you can find a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), a BACB approved course sequence, or read the ethical guidelines that all BCBAs adhere to.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Know the Signs

Learn the milestones that typically developing children should hit, and when.

Organization for Autism Research

OAR’s Family site is a great resource for families beginning their journey after an autism diagnosis. Here you can find family support links, worksheets to introduce autism to younger children, and information on how to better understand your child’s diagnosis.

National Center for Medical Home Implementation: Care Notebook

Here you can find all the suggested pages for your Care Notebook, a centralized place to begin tracking all of your family member’s medical, educational and therapeutic needs, interventions, and progress.

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

An autism fact sheet in easy to understand language, including information about diagnosis, research, and treatment.

My Autism Team

A social networking site for families affected by autism.

Autism Speaks: The Importance of Early Access to Care

A wonderful resource for parents outlining the process of getting care early, in order to get the best possible outcome!